Saturday, July 4, 2009

Beating the economic crunch!

This year we have seen record lay-offs and unemployement rates almost at 10% this year because of the economic downturn and the decline in the Real Estate market. A true ripple affect as everyone irregardless of the sector, private of public is feeling some backlash from our down economy.

If you are are working in a general career field such as secretarial, housekeeping, or maybe a cashier at a grocery store chances are that you don't have that much marketability.

You're making minimum wage, you probably don't have any benefits, and you are working in an enviroment that you really don't like... DEAD END JOB in other words!

So what do you do if you want things to change in your life??

Well you could do several things... You can start by figuring out what it is that you are really passionate about. I myself, for sometime have been very passionate about business ownership. I've also been passionate at one point about becoming a police officer and pursuing law enforcement. I would probably still take the opportunity to become a police officer just so I can say I had the experience but in the end I realized that I would eventually want more.

So anyway... You figure out what you are passionate about, right? Than you pursue that!

What else can you do?

You can open your mind to other opportunities that are out here. In order to do that you have to be willing to change and think outside the box!

Where am I going with this?

For many people that know me anyone will tell you that I am a huge proponent of taking charge of your financial future and your life through business ownership. I strongly believe in networking and the power of networking! If you think about it, the wealthiest people in this country have some type of network so why not you??

I strongly believe in locking hands with someone to help them become successful instead of trying to do it all yourself. Unless you are an actor, actress, singer, rapper, professional ball player than the likelihood of you living a very well endowed life from a financial stand-point is very slim.

Trust me, I know! I have two parents well into their 50's and 60's with declining health, no savings, and full-time jobs that they wish they could walk away from.

Their is a world of opportunity out their for people who are willing to work for it and in this economy starting a home-based business online is definitely the way to go!

You can learn from people who have come before you, there is mentorship, positive association, and education in a system unlike anything that you were taught in school. I'm not against attaining high levels of education by no means! I have a Bachelor's degree myself. What I am saying is that chances are that you are operating in a system that is not nurturing you to financial health.

With so many people out of work don't you think it's time that you take a look in another direction?

I teach people how to retire early using the internet...

Come join me!